Steph Passino, Director of Market Insight examines the U.S. Government’s COVID-10 legislation and how it may be too little too late for the uninsured and underinsured of Americans.
Vulnerable Populations & COVID-19
Dan Beeby of Benefit Kitchen
Benefit Kitchen’s stated goal is to “Put more money into consumers’ pocket to increase their purchasing power.” Kevin McDevitt, Spring Street’s Director of SDOH Programming, sat down with Benefit Kitchen CTO, Dan Beeby to talk about the work his company is doing to serve people and communities across the United States.
Book Review: Prescription for the Future
Let’s step back to leap forward in 2020
Most leaders came into the industry to make a difference. Those driven to work in healthcare are often dedicated to both serving patients and improving the system, but many experience burnout due to the day-to-day demands of their jobs. It’s time to collectively make it a priority to focus on the big stuff!