Old-Insights — Spring Street Exchange

Strategy & Strategic Planning in Healthcare

I can often sense the pulse of priorities and change in healthcare through common threads that I hear through dialogue with clients and colleagues throughout the industry.

When talking with healthcare leaders about their strategic processes, I kept hearing the question, “What are other people doing about this?” After a few years of crisis mode, many healthcare executives are looking far into the future again, but they were finding themselves curious about a fresh approach to strategic planning.

We pulled together a questionnaire and shared it with a few close colleagues. Often executives are too busy for such inquiries, but with the promise to get access to the results, the responses came back at an astonishingly high participation rate. We knew we were onto a critical question.

If you would like access to this critical industry intelligence and are a leader in a healthcare organization, please share your thoughts. You will need to provide your name / email for access to the results. All responses will be kept strictly confidential and are only for research purposes.

We can’t wait to share! The outcomes are sure to be an important input to your allocations and planning for 2022.
